Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sunrise, bloody sunrise


They happen every day, and as winter draws in, I get to see a great many more of them than I’d actually like to. Getting up before the sun isn’t even for the birds (they have far too much good sense) but I will say that seeing the sun coming up is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Sometimes, its so beautiful that I’m not even sorry about not being in bed, and on a nippy winter morning, that’s saying something!

The fiery dawn light illuminates the buff-coloured pasture lands, sere in their winter dormancy while the winter wheat fields are full of summery-looking greenery. Its like having all the seasons at once, spread out like a patchwork quilt in front of the blue and purple mountains. Sigh. So pretty....

On the subject of things colourful: The cat is green. Well, he’s green and ginger – an alarming combination. When you get over the shock, its funny and you can’t help but laugh. Do you have any idea how little cats like being laughed at? Silly chap went a-strolling through the powder poster paint (fortunately non-toxic) on Sunday, and seems to be getting more verdant with the passage of days.

It’s a colourful world with colourful sunrises, colourful fields and one very colourful cat. I'm not too drab either. Take my word for it.

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